Helpful Articles
Barrow: Castrated male. Boar: Intact male. Breed Description: As opposed to a “Breed Standard” which is exclusive and potentially destructive to a breed, a “Breed Description” is inclusive, allowing for […]

Shelter for Guinea Hogs
It is recommended that at least one good book on keeping pigs is owned by new breeders. There are some drawings on page 138 of a “range house” design in […]

Examples of Portable Pens
The pen shown below is comprised of four 16-feet-long hog panels arranged in a square shape and simply tied together at each corner with baling twine. It is easy to […]

Fencing for Guinea Hogs
Containing the American Guinea Hog Various types of fencing used to contain American Guinea Hogs, with woven wire field fencing (4 ft high) or hog wire (26″ to 34″ […]

Feeding and Watering Pigs
Guinea Hog owners use a variety of ways to provide water for their pigs, as well as provide a variety of diets, and AGHA is collecting many different descriptions of […]

Caring for Pigs in Hot Weather
Did You Know – Pigs Can’t Sweat? Pigs cannot sweat and therefore must have specific conditions met in order to cope with hot weather. They require shade of some […]

Care and Maintenance
Guinea Hogs are a remarkably easy pig to care for! You need: Shade available in the summer. Shelter for night and especially in winter. See the Shelter page on this […]

Where Do We Go From Here?
What Happens to the Boars? Pigs are prolific! We are registering nearly as many males as females and that can be a problem. As you can imagine, a family farm […]