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Attention BUYERS
If you want to be sure you are getting a pure guinea hog, buy from a reputable breeder who is an AGHA member. Do not accept the animal without proper documentation. Piglets from a registered litter must show the permanent registration number on the AGHA form given to you. Any application to register a piglet or hog whose litter was not previously registered must have the parentage and their registration numbers listed on the form. Ask if the breeder if he/she is a member of the American Guinea Hog Association. Specifically ask if the boar and sow are AGHA registered. Our members abide by a Code of Ethics in dealing with the public and fellow breeders.
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Located in the hills of Jefferson County, Ohio Broken H Farm is dedicated to the concept of sustainability and respectful animal husbandry. Heritage breeds of poultry and the American Guinea Hog, Boer goats and call ducks are raised in a farmstead pasture based setting.
The past is honored, the future is planned and the present is lived.
Boisterous Cock Farmstead is a 40 acre homestead farm that is using swine and poultry to add organic matter back to the stripped soil of the high desert in SE Arizona. The AGH is our primary swine used in rotational and focused grazing to improve soil nutrient and moisture retention. Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you
North Carolina
Joann & Robert Vachon
Zebulon, North Carolina
We are a small homestead located in North Carolina.
Tallahassee, Florida
WSBK (est. 1993) is a small farmstead in the Florida Big Bend area which is home to eight adult AGHs some "bacon bits" born March 2018, about 60 chicken, several horses, multiple barn cats and several dogs. ----------
Of the adult purebred AGHs, one boar is registered, all four sows are also registered. We also have an unregistered boar and two AGH barrows (for our own Camp Freezer). Now that we have established our ability to handle, breed and birth this breed, we are ready to begin a carefully planned breeding program of only registered AGHs. ----------
As of 23 March 2018, we tripled our current herd size with the birth of our first homegrown litter (3 boys, 3 girls) out of the unregistered boar and one of the two sows going partly back to the Sumrall herd. The other sow provided us with another unregistered litter of 7 on 23 March 2018 (4 boys, 3 girls). While we plan on keeping the first litter and grow them out for our own food supply, the second litter will be available for purchase as meat hogs. Please contact us if you are interested in any of those upcoming piglets. ----------
We are committed to the future of the breed and hope to contribute significantly by moving to AGHA registered stock only by the end of 2018.
We are a small farmstead located in Richmond, Maine. We currently raise pasture pork (AGH), Alpine Cross Dairy goats, and Ameraucana laying hens.
Joe Neville
Crawfordsville, Indiana
My wife, Amy and I raise American Guinea Hogs and love it. We have two excellent registered boars and breed three to six litters a year with farrowing happening in April. Most of our pigs end up being feeders which we have processed at a USDA inspected plant and we retail the cuts. The focus on our farm is on having very happy pigs with a natural diet. We occasionally have breeding stock for sale.
North Carolina
Jennifer Nelson
Franklinton, North Carolina
Sandee House
Friday Farms
Gordo, Alabama
We raise 100% AGH on 220 acres of pine and oak woodlands in West Alabama. While we primarily raise these hogs for speciality butcher shops and private customers, we occasionally offer registered stock. You can find us on Facebook as Friday Farms or Woodland Raised Swine.
We currently have 3 registered boars and 4 registered sows in our breeding program. We hope to add another sow or two in 2021.
We almost always have feeders since we only register the very best hogs born on the farm. Contact us if you are looking for feeder hogs (mostly barrows) or registered breeding stock.
June 2020 update- we have nineteen piglets on the ground from Mulberry and Corinna. Madeline is due July 2. Blackberry and Thimbleberry are due August 22. Currently accepting deposits for our July and August 2020 litters.
Andrew Balavage
Athol, Idaho
Koertland & Rebekah Beyer
Sabetha, Kansas
Five Acre Farm located in Northeast Kansas specialized in All Natural American Guinea Hog husbandry. Please contact us for high quality meat and genetics.
Windy Willows Homestead is a small hobby farm located near Holly Springs, NC. We are lifetime AGHA members and have been raising AGH since 2014. Our first breeding pair, Pocahontas and John, came from Powhatan, VA and were unregistered. We now have only registered stock and have nothing but positive things to say about the breed!
New York
Jeff Shenk
Newfane, New York
Laurie Munroe
Beckworth, California
Small family run farm with hogs raised naturally on pasture and a diet high in locally raised grass and with lots of belly rubs and daily attention.
When my husband and I retired from the Army we began to piece together a little farm in Southern Illinois. My research led us the heritage breeds, and so to the American Guinea Hogs.
We got our first little gal in 2009 and instantly fell in love with the breed.
We raise and sell breeding hogs, butchering hogs, and hogs destined to live in someones barnyard eating mice, turning over compost piles and entertaining families.
New Hampshire
Scott & Heather Dumont
Dean Hill Farm
Danbury, New Hampshire
We do not have any AGH for sale at this time but will take calls from anyone if they have questions about the breed or want to talk pigs.
Danite Covington
PO Box 720319
Pinon Hills, California
Nicole Decker
Fayetteville, Georgia
We are a small farm focusing primarily on AGH, quail, and chickens. We have piglets available for purchase, both registered and unregistered.
Seitzinger Family Farm a small homestead located in rural Peculiar, MO. We have a vision of heathy, pasture raised animals. With the use of natural feed and no antibiotics, we hope to fulfill the dream of supplying friends, family and community with a high quality, more natural food option. With a new found appreciation for American Heritage Breeds. We currently have American Guinea Hogs, Silver Fox rabbits and Rhode Island Reds. We also have Nigerian Dwarf goats, Runner ducks, an IPP gilt and a couple dogs and cats that call this farm home.
Raising Registered American Guinea Hogs since 2014.
Also raising Fine-fleeced Shetland Sheep, Miniature Dairy Goats, Sebastapol & Cotton Patch Geese, Belstville Small White Turkeys, Barred Rock and Speckled Sussex Chickens, Ancona and Silver Appleyard Ducks.
Nicole Bishop
Garden Prairie, Illinois
We are a small homeschooling homestead in Garden Prairie, IL where we have been raising AGH since 2016. We maintain one boar and two sows for our breeding stock and plan for a litter a year out of each sow and have seen some beautiful hogs come out of them in the years past. Theses friendly, easy going pigs have won our hearts.
North Carolina
Jill Gabli
Madison, North Carolina
Our family farm focuses on sustainable practices and the ethics of Permaculture. We are currently raising American Guinea Hogs and cattle on pasture. Phone number is 336-423-3382
You can find us on Facebook
North Carolina
Matthew & Virginia Hunker
Graham, North Carolina
We raise American guinea hogs on pasture and through the woods. We feed non-gmo locally produced feed and let pigs be pigs. We constantly strive for the best pigs, and only a select few are allowed to become breeders, all the others become the best pork available.
Almost Heaven American Guinea Hogs is taking a farm break. This breed is so special, they certainly will be a part of our next homestead in a few years.
We are a small farm raising rare livestock to improve existing numbers and to preserve heritage breeds. We raise American Guinea Hogs and Jersey Giant Chickens. Our goal is to provide our community with sustainability of pure and healthy food and breed stock.
We are a Family Homestead and farm where we raise American Guinea Hogs and free range chickens naturally. We are enjoying selectively breeding our well-mannered AGHs in a way that showcases their illustrious pedigree. We harden our stock to the elements of the harsh Michigan weather for a healthy and robust crew of forest clearing AGH. We are happy to work with you on selecting the right group for your farm be it friendly bacon bits or a harty ground clearing crew. (Or both!)
Casey & Bill Green
Alva, Florida
We are a small family farm in SW Florida and have been raising American Guinea Hogs since 2015.
New York
John Pauline & Kathryn Cramer
5841 NYS Route 9N
Westport, New York 12993
We own and operate the completely organic Domaine Champlain Orchard (7 acres, 260 apple trees of 9 varieties) in Westport, NY. We breed and use American Guinea Hogs as orchard pigs to clean up underbrush and apple drops under our trees and to keep down insect pest infestation. We presently have 14 American Guinea Hogs in residence. We are currently phasing out the Guinea Hogs part of our operation. The inventory of pigs we are wanting to sell is at
Our daughter started our AGHA herd in 2015. This small black pig fits perfectly into our small farm ecology, which includes a garden, pastures, poultry, sheep, and dairy goats. Our next litter will be the 30th born here! Email or text for availability.
We have a small hobby farm in northern Ilinois. Livestock include smaller-sized heritage breeds...Guinea Hogs, Fainting Goats, Southdown Sheep, English Shepherds. We are fairly new to farming, after raising most of our kids in suburbia. I'm loving the change to fresh air and not as much taxi-mom is warming up to it slowly. Everyone loves the guinea hog pork and bacon, so the pigs are here to stay! 🙂
** We have registered breeder and unregistered feeder piglets for sale **
At the Old Crowe Farm we raise the American Guinea Hog since it was well suited to our 130-acre pasture-based sustainable farm environment. We sell very socialized, registered breeding stock, as well as feeder stock when available. We specialize in selling breeding pairs and offer an AGH Mentoring Program at the farm (with Bed &Breakfast accommodations).
Cascade Meadows Farm, near Portland Oregon, helped rescue American Guinea Hogs from near extinction in 2005, and was the first to import the breed to the Western US. We have a broad range of AGH genetics and one of the largest and oldest herds in America. We select toward friendly, healthy, good growing AGH, with natural resistance to disease and parasites. We have helped hundreds of small farms get started with American Guinea Hogs and love sharing our extensive knowledge with others. We guarantee our pigs and provide ongoing advice and support. We almost always have breeding stock and feeder pigs available and we welcome visitors (with an appointment). We specialize in providing breeding pairs and trios. All our hogs are 100% purebred, registerable AGH.
Tucked into the hills in the Finger Lakes region, I have been raising Guinea Hogs almost 12 years and love them more each year. Breeding stock and organic feeder piglets available most of the year from several different lineages. Visitors welcome
Look for Flint and Steel Farm on Facebook for pictures
Kate & Jim Gurnsey
Templeton, Pennsylvania
Our little piece of paradise is located in Western Pa. When we moved out of the city in 2016 our goal was to raise all our own food and AGH fit right into that plan. They are a great pig for the small scale homesteader, friendly and delicious! Never will we eat store bought pork again.
Crowover Farm is a smallholding in Ashburnham, MA. We raise American Guinea Hogs and have breeding stock born August 16th 2024. Check website for availability
Rita White
Kellyville, Oklahoma
Our ranch is near beautiful Hayburn Lake where my husband Tim and I raise American Guinea Hogs, Kinder & Mini-Lamancha dairy goats, Emu’s, Quarter & Mini horse’s and Dark Cornish chickens. We love our Guinea Hogs sweet & gentle disposition .
The meat has the best juicy taste and the fat is awesome to cook with and make soap that is wonderfull for your skin.
Our Registered A.G.H.’s are bred for their awsome confirmation , friendlyness, An great mothering ability’s so please give us a call (918-760-6279) to be put on our list for available pigs ,Thanks !
Matt & Linda Hoinkes
Hoinkes Homestead
Bellevue, Texas
Located Near Bowie TX. We are a small farm with friendly animals.
Alan & Meredy Brownstein
Windchime Farm
Rocky Ford, Colorado
We began our American Guinea Hog adventure in 2018, and quickly fell in love with these amazing animals. Located on small acreage in the self-proclaimed "melon capitol of the world," our breeding stock consists of one very prolific young boar (his first two litters totaled 20 piglets) and two sows.
As of July 2019, we will have 18 AGH piglets available, some of which are being evaluated for possible registration. Whether you're seeking registered breeding stock or just want to raise some of the best pork you'll ever eat, you can't go wrong with the American Guinea Hog!
Rodney Rice
Highgate Farm
Molalla, Oregon
Born 7/29 & 8/6/18 wiener/feeder AGH piglets available $75 each. Highgate Farm has been in our family since 1946. We've been bringing it back to a working farm since 2016. Our focus is on sustainably-raised and free-ranging heritage livestock on 60 acres of forested pastures - American Guinea Hogs, Irish Dexter Cattle, and Boer Goats. Rod and Patricia Rice website:
Chris Carpenter
Kearney, Missouri
Pine Haven is a place for us to live deliberately, raising our family in harmony with our own values. We want the food we produce to be honest and healthy, sustainable and renewable, and treated with dignity and respect.
Elsewhere Farm is a 40-acre farm located near the south shore of Lake Superior in Herbster, Wisconsin, 35 miles northwest of Ashland and 50 miles west of Superior. We began keeping AGH's in 2016 with a starting herd from Azsa Greiner's Old Beach Farm. We maintain a herd of about 30 pigs from three sows and two boars. DNC Amelia, from Setty stock, now retired, was our lead sow. We now work with Dykstra's Chip Off the Old Block and Old Beach Setty Pickles. Our registered sows are Elsewhere Camille and Fogmyre Josey. We sell breeding animals and feeder pigs from May onwards, and pork starting at the end of September. We breed for gentle and friendly temperment and a long, low profile.
Becky Bokay
End of the Road Family Farm
Wathena, Kansas
We live at the End of The Road Farm in Wathena, KS. We have AGH, chickens, and katahdin sheep. Our animals are all named and loved. They get to roam as they please (with limits), forage from the land, and live happy lives. We strive to make the AGH bloodlines better, stronger, healthier, and diverse all while giving all of our animals the best life we can possibly offer.
We are a small family farm, mainly a plant nursery and vegetable producer. We also are raising purebred AGH's and Nigerian Dwarf Goats.
Please contact me if you are interested in breeding stock and feeders. These hogs have great blood lines. Some with thick black hair, and a few with red tipped hair. If you have registered AGH's and want to trade piglets sometime shoot me an email.
Welcome to Habby Valley Homestead!
Until just recently we were located in a beautiful little valley surrounded by cattle ranches just west of Gillette, Wyoming. We have now moved home to our family farm in southern Missouri, just outside of Mansfield.
We are a family of six...Nathan, Nicole, Ethan, Lillian, Wyatt, and Elli Darlene. Our family loves being out in God’s creation; enjoying all that He has created for us. We love camping, fishing, hunting, gardening, animals, and now homesteading.
We have registered American Guinea Hogs. We have a breading trio including two sows - a mother/daughter duo and our boar, Paladin. Paladin is a beautiful boar and has thrown some nice babies so far.
We plan to raise and sell feeder and registered piglets for ourselves and others.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
I am the Livestock Specialist at ECHO Global Farm in North Fort Myers, FL. We have a small 50-acre tropical agriculture demonstration farm where we demonstrate different conservation agriculture techniques and provide training for development workers around the world.
We love our AGH, we treat them well and they are socialized daily. Our stock is very friendly and easy to work with. We currently have a registered breeding pair. (Iggy and Ms Scarlett). Please contact if interested in seeing our breeding stock or to get on list for FALL 2021. Thanks!
(All spring 2021 PIGLETS sold)
Next expected farrowing: Piglets expected 1st week of August 2021. Contact us via to reserve yours today! They sell very very quickly and most are claimed before farrowing.
We’re a small homestead in Southeast Central Ohio, with two different breeding stocks, one of which is a Setty bloodline. You can find us on Instagram and Facebook as well under our farm name to learn more about what we do.
We are a regenerative family farm and homestead located in Decatur County, Kansas. We raise AGHA Guinea Hogs, ADCA Dexter Cattle, Boer Goats, Icelandic Chickens and Coturnix Quail. We rotationally graze our animals and strive to raise them the way nature intended. We are proud members of the American Dexter Cattle Association, American Guinea Hog Association and the Livestock Conservancy.
Pamela Christensen
Helotes, Texas
Small homestead dedicated to breeding and raising friendly hogs and helping others interested in a similar journey.
John Lord
Oskaloosa, Kansas
New Mexico
Anna & Leonard Miller
15 Lower Mountain Rd
Edgewood, New Mexico 87015
We have added a new breeding pair we are very excited to offer as part of our breeding program. Our spring litters from both breeding pairs are available. Please contact us for available stock.
Aragorn Heritage Farm is a small hobby farm in central New Hampshire. We have heritage chickens as well as Guinea Hogs. We have one litter of piglets every summer. Breeding stock is AGHA registered. Piglets can be sold for meat without being registered.
Small family farm in Southern Ohio. We had our first litter and will have 3 gilts and one boarlet available Sept. 20th, 2021. As of May 8th, we have successfully had our second litter of 9. 4 boarlets, and 5 gilts.
Facebook page is: Honey Punch Farms LLC.
We are small farm on the northeastern plains of Colorado. We have been raising AGH for about 3 years. Love everything about the AGH. Never knew pork could taste so good without seasoning!!
Danny & Carol Mullis
Sparta, Tennessee
Kenneth Bullard
PO Box 139
Sadler, Texas 76264
We are a small farm in North Texas, just starting out in 2018. We grow vegetables and raise American Guinea Hogs and several Heritage Chicken Breeds. We aspire to be self sufficient as possible and help our neighbors have access to a better choice of food!
Todd and Amanda had a back-to-the-land vision and started Terroir Farm. Terroir Farm is a 15 acre forest farm nestled among the pines, oaks, and maples of Northern Michigan. Chickens and guinea fowl scratch and peck in the shade of ferns while goats munch on maple saplings. American Guinea Hogs were the perfect addition to this mix, clearing areas of woods and leaving behind plenty of “presents” that the chickens find most interesting!
We love American Guinea Hogs! Though still a small operation, we would like to offer Guinea Hog breeding stock, feeders, and pork as we are able. We love helping people get started raising their own food on the homestead.
We live on a small homestead just South of Des Moines. We love our pigs, chickens, and garden space! We had our first 2 AGH piglets in 2018. We loved their gentle disposition and foraging abilities. This year we bought our first breeding stock. Our plan is to have 1 Boar and 2 Sows, 2 litters a year opposite of one another.
We are a small, veteran-owned farm serving God and our community by providing the best livestock and livestock produce we can. We have broiler and layer chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and American Guinea Hogs. We are currently breeding our hogs twice a year. Contact us to see if we have piglets available.
Travis Schmalhofer
Columbia, Pennsylvania
We are a Lancaster County homesteading family with a small holding filled with a variety of God’s creatures, from guinea hogs to honey bees.
Debbie Roland
PO Box 456
Gardendale, Texas 79758
We are a small homestead raising registered American Guinea Hogs in West Texas.
Andrea Holmes
Leeds, Maine
We are a heritage breed farm, from our chickens to our pigs and everything in between.
We are a small farm in Havana, Florida. We focus on having a good breeding line of AGH with the Sumrall lines. Please feel free check out our website and message us with any questions you may have!
We are a family of six who decided that living in an HOA was not for us. In 2022 we sold our house and bought 51+ acres. It was old hunting land and only had electricity. For months we filled water tank in the back of our truck and hauled water to another tank on our property to fill out camper with. We have been living in that camper for two years as many complications have arisen while trying to build. But God is faithful and despite our living circumstances we have been able to raise chickens, guinea fowl and American Guinea Hogs. We decided upon Guinea Hogs because we wanted a friendly breed who would till up our woods and help us make pasture. These pigs are truly a delight. Our first litter was born in July and we can't wait to have more piglets. The ones we've raised for meat are about ready for processing and so we will experience our first taste of the fruit of our work. We might branch out to faster growing hogs later on but we will always have guinea hogs. Our hope is to sell live piglets, lard and whole hog shares. King Xerxes is our boar and he is from the Sumrall line. He's a handsome hog with great muscular structure and a gentle disposition towards us and the kids. He's a total food hog, though. We are hoping to sire many more litters with him and keep his good genetics going for generations.
Sara Hershey
Longdale, Oklahoma
My husband, Brandon, and I run a 40 acre heritage homestead in Northwest Oklahoma. We have horses, chickens, cats, a dog, and of course American Guinea Hogs! We look forward to breeding this heritage breed of pigs, selling meat, and helping other homesteaders!
David Holcomb
Allegan, Michigan
Former 1880s farmer, now Allegan homesteader/entrepreneur.
Taylie Hammack-Bennett
Mitchell, Oregon
Laura Bartle
Indian Mount, Tennessee
We are a family farm in Middle Tennessee committed to raising purebred, healthy and happy American Guinea Hogs on pasture and organic feed.