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Become a Member

Save $5 (that’s over 16% savings ) off your new or renewed Annual  Membership when you choose AUTO Charge with Paypal.  Automatic Renewal takes the worry out of remembering when your membership expires and helps Association finances run smoothly.
Save $5 (that’s 25% savings!) when you become a “Friend of the AGHA” Member.

Member services include:

  • The registry. 
  • Online pedigree and data analysis tools.
  • Online breeder listings and contact information.
  • A quarterly, educational publication that covers:  Association Events — Hog Health — Feeding, Watering, and Housing — Forage & Pasture Management — Breeding and Selection Planning — Marketing Strategies — Value-Added Products — and Recipes.
  • Access to several different types of printed marketing materials.
  • Breed-promotional booth sponsorships at several major homesteading fairs and conferences — regional member contact information is distributed to interested booth visitors.

Member involvement is valued and encouraged.

Memberships are processed manually.  Once processed, you will receive an email which will contain your user name and password and you will then have access to all the Members Only website features.  Please make sure that your email application allows any emails from to prevent communications being sent to your ‘Junk’ email folder.

If you prefer to apply via US Mail, please print, complete, and mail this hard copy Membership Application form.

Payment will be via Paypal, which allows you to pay by any form of payment for free even if you do not have a Paypal account.

"*" indicates required fields

If you are renewing your membership, and you are not currently logged in, you will save time by logging in as we will then be able to retrieve most of the required information for you.
Membership Type*
Auto BIlling*
If you select Auto Charge then your membership will automatically renew each year and the amount for the membership you have chosen above will be billed to your Paypal account the same time each year.
Full Voting Member

Annual and Lifetime Memberships allow full website access. Members may register and transfer animals. Animals are registered with the member's herd prefix as described below. These membership categories come with full voting privileges in all General or Special Membership Meetings as required by the AGHA Bylaws.

A farm name is not required to become a member. It can be added to a member profile at a later date.
A tag prefix selection is not required to become a member, however, it speeds up the process of piglet registration.
For more information on AGHA Pre-Approved Tag Prefix, see April 2023 Newsletter and/or Click here
0 of 18 max characters
A Herd Prefix is not required until a member is ready to registered piglets from their own registered hogs. The prefix chosen will precede the registered name of any registered stock bred by you. You may choose as your Herd Prefix any word(s), set of initials, or combination of letters/numbers that has not already be chosen by another member. For Example, “Flint and Steel,” “Dykstra’s,” and “CMG” are examples of three different types of Herd Prefixes.
Do you own American Guinea Hogs?*

I will support and uphold the Bylaws and Code of Ethics of the American Guinea Hog Association (AGHA). I will select the boar and sow with an eye to conformation, temperament, and mothering abilities and with a careful study of the breed description. I believe that only those hogs known to be free of serious or disqualifying defects should be used for breeding. I will not breed any hogs with vicious temperaments. I will not breed hogs with known genetic defects that would be detrimental to the longevity of the hog or its offspring. I will not register any hogs with disqualifications addressed in the breed description. As a responsible breeder, I will refrain from using a hog that, although free from serious or disqualifying defects, consistently produces afflicted offspring. I will take steps to prevent uncontrolled reproduction to protect the health of stock. Efforts will be made not to allow the breeding of gilts at a young age such that would be detrimental to their health or the health of the piglets.

HEALTH: I will maintain high standards of care for my hogs and sell only those that are in apparent good health at the time of sale. I will not knowingly sell any hogs with illness or conditions considered unhealthy.

SALES: I will be discriminating in the sales of my hogs/piglets, and concerned with the type of homes in which they are placed. I will encourage the purchaser to contact me if the purchaser has any questions and I will respond in a timely manner. For stock to be registered: I will tag, tattoo, notch, or otherwise mark all registered stock before selling per the AGHA registration instructions. I will maintain accurate records of registration numbers of breeding stock. I complete all paperwork in a timely manner for the association and for the buyers. I will complete all applicable transfer papers at the time the purchase is completed or at a time agreeable to both parties if registration is not yet complete. ADVERTISING My advertising of hogs/piglets will be factual and honest, both in substance and implication.

I believe breeding purebred American Guinea Hogs involves certain responsibiities, and I will not take these responsibilities lightly.