They Are Endangered
- DNA Verified as a Unique Hog Species
- Classified as Threatened by the Livestock Conservancy
- Valuable Genetic Resource

They Are a Pleasure to Work With
Calm, Gentle Temperaments
Get Along Well With Other Livestock
Moderate Size at Maturity (150-350 lbs.)
Makes Home Processing Easier
Makes Day-to-Day Handling Easier
Makes Them Easier on Farm Infrastructure
Variations in Size Offer Something for Every Farmer
They are Hardy & Thrifty
Expert Foragers
Require Far Less Supplemental Feed than Larger Breeds
Work Well in Livestock Rotation Systems
Perfect for Rejuvenating Unused Acreage
Adapt Well to All Climates
Sows Normally Farrow Easily and Without Assistance

They Produce Superior Pork
American Guinea Hogs Produce Pork With Unparalleled Flavor, Texture, and Quality – Far Superior to Grocery Store Pork
The Fat Is a Creamy, Melts-in-Your-Mouth Delight
Mature Hogs (15+ months of age) Provide a Nice, Well-Marbled Carcass.
Juvenile Hogs Make Top-notch Roasters.
The Muscle:Fat Ratio Is Ideal for Charcuterie
Their Lard is Nutritious and Useful
Soap Making
Candle Making
Skin Care Products