The list of members below only shows those members that are permitted and want to be listed. If you want your details listed then please ensure that you have met all of the necessary requirements for the organization and then check that the ‘Show me in the Breeder List’ option is checked in your profile. If you do not see the option there beneath the Password reset button, then you will need to Contact Us.
The breeder’s list below can be searched by entering terms in the search box. Each term is required in the list entry for it to be displayed.
The map shows the locations of our members, but their contact details will only be displayed (when you click on the location) if they have chosen to be listed on this page.
Attention BUYERS
If you want to be sure you are getting a pure guinea hog, buy from a reputable breeder who is an AGHA member. Do not accept the animal without proper documentation. Piglets from a registered litter must show the permanent registration number on the AGHA form given to you. Any application to register a piglet or hog whose litter was not previously registered must have the parentage and their registration numbers listed on the form. Ask if the breeder if he/she is a member of the American Guinea Hog Association. Specifically ask if the boar and sow are AGHA registered. Our members abide by a Code of Ethics in dealing with the public and fellow breeders.

Click on the map above to view a map of AGHA members.
Stantonsburg, North Carolina
Holly Springs, North Carolina
Armada, Michigan
Gillette, Wyoming