Swine & Dine – Potato Soup
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. Virginia Wolfe
It’s Potato with Ham Soup Time!
Contributed by Tori Rozanski

THERE is nothing more comforting on a cold night than a bowl of delicious soup. This Potato Soup recipe calls for pork broth rather than the traditional chicken broth. The results are splendid!
When we have our hogs butchered, we ask for the bones and use them to make and can up a delicious, rich broth. The broth is great to have on hand and really makes the flavor of this soup shine.
Storage: This recipe makes a large (16+ cups) pot of soup. It keeps well in the refrigerator or freezer. It has a tendency to thicken in storage, so when reheating, you may want to add more half and half until it reaches your desired consistency.
Variations: This is a versatile soup base. While this version calls for adding leftover, smoked AGH ham, adding bacon to make Potato-Bacon Soup would be great alternative. Also, adding two small cans of petite clams (including the liquid) to the basic soup creates an over-the-top New England Clam Chowder.

Potato Soup – Delicious, Comforting, Versatile
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